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Prunedale Improvement Project Right of Way Rescission 

The Transportation Agency and Caltrans seek to rescind the old Prunedale Bypass route segment of the US 101 corridor, sell the excess property originally purchased for the bypass in the 1970’s, and insure that the estimated $10 million of proceeds from the sell are applied to a project (or projects) identified in the Monterey County Local Alternative Transportation Improvement Program.

The TAMC Board adopted the US 101 South of Salinas Corridor Improvement Project and Route 156 West Corridor Project as transportation projects included in the alternative program.

A 60-day public review period is required as part of the rescission process prior to a submittal to the California Transportation Commission.  Caltrans is scheduled to submit the rescission request to the Transportation Commission in January 2021. 

More details can be found here: Prunedale Route Recission and Prunedale Area Rescission Map.

Local Alternative Transportation Improvement List of Projects.pdfROUTE INVENTORY REPORT 2.0.pdf
US 101 San Juan Road interchange
US 101 San Juan Road interchange