Move It Monterey County Challenge: April 1-May 5, 2023

The Transportation Agency for Monterey County (TAMC), along with Blue Zones Project Monterey County and Monterey Youth Museum, encourages Monterey County residents to ”Move It” from April Fool's day to Cinco de Mayo for their health, mind and community and the opportunity to win prizes valued at more than $7,000.
The Move It Monterey County Challenge, presented by the Transportation Agency’s Go831 Smart Commute and Safe Routes to School programs, is April 1-May 5, 2023. The goal of the Challenge is to encourage travelers to reduce traffic, greenhouse gas emissions and promote healthier lifestyles by telecommuting, carpooling, walking, biking, riding transit or a combination instead of driving alone.
The Challenge invites individuals, teams, schools, worksites, families, and friends to register through TAMC’s Go831 program and use the RideAmigos app to log their trips at least once a week during the month. Prizes worth more than $7,000 can be won during individual, team and employer and school competitions. Prizes include gift cards, bicycles, scooters, scooter/bike racks and an electric bike to use as a company vehicle for the winning worksite. Each participant who completes and tracks at least two eligible trips during the month will be automatically entered into a random drawing to win a brand-new bike.
Participating in the “Move It Monterey County Challenge” is easy:
- Participants must first register online at using their personal, work or student email OR a QR code distributed by their employer or school.
- Bike, walk, take a bus, or carpool to work, school, to shops or just for fun (bike and walk trips get double points!) Credit for skipping the trip and teleworking too! To get credit for their points earned, participants must track them on the platform or by downloading and using the CommuteTrack app by Rideamigos.
Winners of the Move It Monterey County Challenge and the Art Competition will be announced in June.
For more information on the Move It Monterey County Challenge and how to participate click onto: or visit join a walking moai group.
So, let’s get onboard Monterey County. Let’s move it for our minds, for our bodies, for our community and for our collective well-being!